Saturday, August 31, 2019

Comparison Paragraph

In the short story â€Å"Two Kinds† by Amy Tan, with the use of epiphany and turning points the reader is able to see the protagonist’s growth and change in personality throughout the story. The protagonist, Jing-Mei and her mother emigrated from China to the US, thus the family struggled in adapting to the new culture and lifestyle. Heavily influenced by the opportunities and hopes with a new life in US, Jing-Mei’s mother wanted Jing-Mei to become a prodigy like the other girls on television. Jing-Mei was determined and eager to prove to her mother she was a prodigy, and thereby had full confidence in herself. She believed â€Å"[her] mother and father would adore [her and she’d be] beyond reproach. † (pg4). As Jing-Mei’s mother quizzed Jing-Mei with countless questions and tests, Jing-Mei started getting frustrated by her mother’s disappointments and â€Å"something inside [her] began to die† (pg 5). But at the same time when she stood in front of the mirror â€Å"the girl staring back at [her] was angry, powerful. † (pg 5) and she saw â€Å"what seemed to be [a] prodigy inside of [her]† (pg 5). Jing-Mei’s mother then encouraged Jing-Mei to play piano and perform in a talent show. When Jing-Mei’s turn came, she was confident and thought â€Å"without a doubt, that the prodigy inside of [her] really did exist† (pg 7). However, as she started playing â€Å"[she] was surprised when [she] hit the first wrong note. And then hit another and another† (pg 7). In the end, Jing-Mei’s performance was nothing like she expected she â€Å"felt the shame of [her] mother and father as they sat stiffly through the rest of the show† (pg 7). After the talent show, Jing-Mei’s was devastated and decided she was never going to play piano anymore; she could never be the prodigy or daughter her mother wants her to be. As a consequence Jing-Mei starts to follow her own path, she â€Å"did not believe [that she] could be anything [she] wanted to be, [she] could only be [her]† (pg 9). She blamed most of her misery on her mother. This this significance change in attitude portrays profoundly how turning points in life alters a person’s perspective and persona. Short story â€Å"The Stolen Party† by Liliana Hecker similarly shows how turning points can change in the way a person view things and their initial personality. In â€Å"Stolen Party† the protagonist, Rosaura just like Jing-Mei had full confidence in herself. She believed she was invited to a party as a guest, she firmly declares â€Å"[she’s] been invited because Luciana is [her] friend† (pg 11). However, her mother, who is a maid for Luciana’s family warns Rosaura that Luciana â€Å"is not [her] friend† (pg 11) and that Rosaura is only recognized as the ‘maid’s daughter’. Her mother also advises Rosaura not to go the part because it’s a â€Å"rich people’s party† (pg 11). Rosaura disregards her mother and attends the party anyways. At the party, Rosaura is treated like a guest and asked to participate in the activities, she also received a delightful compliment from the magician. This made Rosaura proud and encouraged. When the party ended, Senora Ines were gaving out pink and blue bags to the the guests at the party. Roasaura expected Senora Ines to also hand her the goodie, but when it was her turn â€Å"Senora Ines didn't look in the pink bag. Nor did she look in the blue bag. Instead she rummaged in her purse. In her hand appeared two bills. † (pg 14). Rosaura has an epiphany, she realizes she wasn’t invited as a guest to the party, but rather as a servant to help out like a â€Å"[Senora Ines’] pet† (pg 14). Just like Jing-Mei, Rosaura’s perspective changes instantly. She suddenly understands what her mother has been trying to teach her and is now well aware of her position and social status, and so she â€Å"instinctively press herself against her mother’s body† (pg 14) for support. This shows the difference in her initial personality. In conclusion, in â€Å"Two Kinds† and â€Å"The Stolen Party† the protagonist’s turning points and epiphanies play a significant role in the altering of their perspective and persona.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Judaism, Christian, and Islamic Religions

The Judaism, Christian, and Islamic religions have its own approach to art and architecture. These religions distinctive styles were influenced by political and spiritual upheavals In society, the environs, and the consciousness of the Inhabitants. Their expression of Inner feelings and beliefs lead to the creation of sacred monumental structures and beautiful art In which people can reflect and gain inspiration from the delve. The Judaism, Charlatanry, and Islam diverse traditions and theologies offer an illuminating insight into their notions of the sacker and profanes. JewishJewish art and its development is acutely intertwined with Christian art due to its profound connections to each other. Although Judaism and Christianity are similar and different in many respects, the Jewish religion is a far older faith. In referring to the Jewish theological notion of sacker and profanes, they believe that God is non- figurative, they worship in synagogues, and their religious text is the f ive books of Moses the Torah, and the Ten Commandments are the foundation of their laws. The synagogues equates to the Temple of Jerusalem, as religious houses where the Jews reactive their faith.Their cultural, social, and religious belief continues through their art and architecture. According to Soles, â€Å"Jewish art Is an art of symbols to convey a relationship to the sacker- (Soles, L 10). The Durra-Europe (c. 239 AD. ) synagogue artwork is significant because they are the most all-encompassing and extensive figural representation of early Jewish art history to survive. Representations of God do not appear in the Jewish context due to the Second Commandment; however, the use of symbols in their depictions exemplifies their faith as they illustrated episodes room the Hebrew Bible.The Durra-Europe western wall mural paintings depict tremendous figurative imagery. Soles indicated that there Is an emphasis on the themes of redemption and salvation connotative in the area above t he Torah niche. The central Image is a schematic representation of the front doors of the Temple of Jerusalem that In the future will be rebuilt, to the right Is Abraham about to sacrifice Isaac, but In the end Is saved, and to the left are the seven-branch candelabra (Soles, L 10).The Image of the seven-branch candelabra depicted throughout Jewish art story is a symbol of salvation and redemption due to the conviction that the world was created in seven days and the law of keeping the seventh day a holy day. The number seven is important because it represents â€Å"completion and perfection† (Soles, L 10). Another image on the wall of Durra-Europe is a continuous narration depicting the Life of Moses. There are two large representations of Moses in the center, one is turning to part the Red Sea that destroys the Egyptians, and the other is of him leading the Israelites to the sea.These mural scenes emphasizes the Jewish people's event with God and sends a message that they a re the chosen people of Israel. In the middle ages, there was a change in attitude towards the Jewish community in various parts of the world. There were not able to profess their religion architecturally with outward displays that denote their religious affiliation Like the Christians and the Muslims could, so they glorified and sanctified their faith Inside the synagogues. Soles stated that the Jewish community were not interested in religious houses (L 14).The Gothic style Latten Synagogue in Prague built in between he 12th and the 13th century displays its artistic and cultural distinction from other religions. Inside there is a pair of columns sustaining the roof with the central element the bimbo, which is a raised platform where the reading of the Torah occurs. The seating arrangement goes around the bimbo facing forward towards the Aaron (holy arch) in a semi horseshoe. Both the bimbo and the Aaron are raised above the Jewish congregating implying their close relationship wi th God (Soles, L 14).On the ceiling there are five ribs installed to avoid having a cruciform, to not emulate Christianity. Another feature in synagogues is the parakeet (Torah curtain). The early 17th Coupled-column Ottoman parakeet is a blending of Jewish symbolizes with Islamic influences. There is a pair of columns alluding to the Temple of Jerusalem and a Miramar opening. The central image is the goblet with nine lamps hanging from it. In Judaism, the number nine is associated with perfection and the cycles of birth and rebirth as this number mirrors the relationship between God and humanity (soles, ALL).Christian As the Western Empire declined and finally collapse in 476, cultural and political dervish shifted to the Eastern Empire. The development of Byzantine art was the result of religious and diplomatic strife between the east and west. Justinian I (c. 482-565) was the ruler of the east and under his governance, Constantinople became the artistic capital of the Empire. The Haggis Sophia (532-37 A. D) is the earliest example on an epic scale of the basic feature of Byzantine architecture as a surviving monument in Justinian reign.The interior of the church has an aesthetic quality that is magnificent in appearance and reinforces the theme of redemption and lavational along with sacker and profanes in a new reality (Soles, Al 1). The central feature of the Church of Holy Wisdom is the nave that is crowned by the dome. The dome rests on four arches and has an array of windows, which acts as the eyes. According to Soles, the numerous windows act as windows to the soul that connects the Empire to the heavens (Soles, Al 1). The arches are broken up into smaller arches, with semicircular apses, and arcades with ornamental details in the molding and the capitals.Furthermore, the lighting in this church played a key role attributed to he rows of windows that gives the illusion that the dome is floating. The Haggis Sophia represented God on a grand scale that left the people feeling exulted and in awe. In the 1 lath and the 12th century, there is a continuation of sacker and profanes demonstrated in the constructions of churches in Western Europe. Piety was on the rise and a lot of the populace went on religious pilgrimages to express their devotion of the Roman Catholic faith. This period was also the birth of Romanesque architecture.Architects utilized Roman antiquity to develop their churches with Christian themes. The SST. Sermon De Toulouse church in Toulouse, France, marks a geographical point for a religious pilgrimage. The architectural shape is that of a cruciform that invokes the crucifixion of Christ as well as the Chi-RYO is symbolizing the victory over death. In the middle of the 12th century, a new architectural style replaced the Romanesque design known as Gothic. In France, Abbot Surer and state. Because of this, Gothic style religious houses became the dominant public worship site in the early medieval period.The Nave of Chartres Cathedral is the epitome of Gothic style. There is a greater sense of light and openness compared to Romanesque. In the interior, the arches come together at points called gives giving the entire cathedral a â€Å"sense of heaven-forwardness† (Soles, Al 2). Gothic churches have many large windows and flying buttresses on the outside of the church, connecting to the main structure. The South transept rose window from the Chartres Cathedral has a central stained glass depiction of Jesus surrounded by twelve apostles.This culls, also has below its five images representing the five wounds of Christ with the images of the four Hebrew biblical prophets. The Gothic architectural style and the stained glass illustrations convey a message of spirituality and majesty between humanity and divinity. Islam In the 7th century, the religion known as Islam took root in the Middle East by its founder and prophet, Muhammad. In the course of his lifetime and 30 years after his death i n 632 A. D. , this religion spread to Africa, Spain, and Asia. It also converted many places of worship into mosques like the Haggis Sophia in 1453.The practitioners f this faith became Muslim which means â€Å"submitter† or â€Å"committee† to the will of God or in Arabic, Allah. The Curran became the secular textural foundation for the Islamic religion. With their faith basis, Muslims continued the sacker and profanes in their architecture and art. In Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock (c. 687-691) monument is the earliest Islamic building to survive. According to legend, Muhammad was taken by the angel Gabriel on a mi ‘raja (spiritual Journey) to experience both heaven and hell, which made it a sacred site (Soles, Al 3).The golden dome itself is one highest mint in Jerusalem as it rests on an octagonal structure, which rest on a square base. The dome symbolizes heaven and it mirrors the one on the Haggis Sophia. The squared platform echoes the four directions of profane and profanes, between an earthbound and the spiritual reality. The octagonal, a combination of a square and a circle represents the eight-pointed star, which also reinforces the ideal of heaven and earth is Joined in abstract terms (Soles, L 13). Outside this structure, there is a dynamic contrast between geometric, rectilinear, and curvilinear elements in a series f abstractions and colors.The colorful beauty with its detailed abstract designs, motifs, religious significance, and the distinctive structural design became the foundation of Islamic art and architecture for Muslims throughout the world. Another feature in Islamic architecture is the Miramar (niche) in the cabala wall to indicate the direction of Mecca. According to the Curran, Muslims must kneel and pray before Allah five times a day towards the holy land therefore, this Miramar served as geographical orientation. Muslims usually have mass prayer in all parts of the oral; therefore, in Islam everyone is equal i n their faith.This equality is reinforced on an architectural and a spiritual level because both the Christian and Jewish religions have an ecclesiastical court, Muslims pray directly to Allah without any clergy, thus in a way are more self-conscious with their relationship to God. There is a great deal of borrowing, emulation, and transformation in the Jewish, relationship with God through art and architecture. The constant sacker and profanes theme in all the religions, rested on the conviction of salvation and the hope of eternal life in paradise.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Temple of Heaven

The layout and architecture of the Temple of Heaven is filled with symbolism. According to symbolic tradition, Heaven is round and the earth is square. Therefore, all of the buildings in the temple complex are round in shape, while their retaining walls and the axis are square. The surrounding walls of the complex also reflect these traditions. The southern side of the wall is square and the northern is round. The emperor would enter the temple complex from the south and this would symbolize his transition from earth to heaven. The glazed roof tiles of the major buildings in the temple complex are blue, symbolizing heaven.Other buildings have green or yellow roof tiles. The green tiles represent Buddhism and the yellow represent the emperor. Only imperial or imperial sanctioned buildings were allowed the colored tile roofs. The building was built without a single nail. The beams, pillars, and rafters were built in such a way that the weight of the building holds the structure togethe r. The hall has 28 pillars which symbolize the 28 constellations. In the center of the hall are four pillars known as the Dragon Well Pillars. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests is surrounded by a square surrounding wall.On the east and west sides of the hall are two halls which was where the gods of the sun, the moon, the stars, thunder, and lighting were prayed to. These halls now exhibit the musical instruments played during the ceremonies at the Temple of Heaven. A round building with a single-gabled roof topped with a gilded ball, the Imperial Vault of Heaven is located directly south of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests. It was first built in 1530 and rebuilt in 1752 by Emperor Qianlong. Its design is similar to the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, but on a much smaller scale.It is built on a single tiered marble base. The vault housed the tablet of the Emperor of Heaven and the emperor’s ancestral tablets. These tablets were prayed to and offered offerings and we re used as a symbolic representation of the emperor’s ancestors. The surrounding wall around the Imperial Vault of Heaven is commonly referred to as the Echo Wall. Because of the way it was built, if a person standing on one side, facing the wall and whispers towards it, a person on the opposite side can hear it clearly. Directly in front of the Imperial Vault of Heaven is what is known as the Triple Sound Stone.If a person stands on the first stone and speaks towards the vault, his words will echo once. If he stands on the second stone, his words will echo twice. If he stands on the third stone, his words will echo three times. It is quite remarkable and absolutely true. Circular Mound Altar: South of the Imperial Vault of Heaven lies the Circular Mound Alter. Originally built in 1530 by Emperor Jiajing, it was rebuilt in 1740 by Emperor Qianlong. The altar is a three tiered plinth made entirely of white marble. It is here that the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties off ered sacrifices to heaven annually on the winter solstice.The ceremony was meant to thank heaven and ensure that the next year would be prosperous. The numbers of stones which make up each tier are in multiples of nine, which is a prevailing theme at the Temple of Heaven and in fact, all imperial sites. In Daoism, even numbers represent women and odd numbers represent men. The highest odd number is nine and it is representative of the emperor. In the center of the top terrace is a round stone known as the Heaven’s Heart Stone. Usage Since the emperor of China was considered the Son of Heaven, he was responsible for administer earthly matters on behalf of heaven.He did this by offering sacrifices to heaven. Twice a year, the emperor, along with thousands of eunuchs, ministers, and princes would proceed to the Temple of Heaven. The emperor would fast in the Hall of Abstinence located near the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests for several days. He would live in the complex during the ceremonies. The entire country relied on the emperor for good harvests and weather. The ceremonies were prepared for months in advance and it was believed that it had to be perfectly performed because the smallest mistake would be a bad omen for the coming year.If there was a year of flooding or famine, the people would believe that the emperor had fallen out of favor with heaven, so it was of extreme importance for the emperor to ensure everything went perfectly. Outside of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, the emperor would personally use oxen to plow a few rows to symbolize the first plowing and planting of the season. At the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the emperor would pray to the Emperor of Heaven and his ancestors, and on the Circular Mount altar, he would pray to heaven for a year of good weather and luck. All of these rituals ensured that the emperor and the empire would be prosperous.Currant Usage For centuries, no commoner was allowed to look inside the Temple of H eaven. Today it is open to the public and has become a beautiful park that is as popular with locals as with tourists. The complex is very large and the areas around the temples are large and filled with ancient cypress trees. Locals will arrive early in the morning to perform taichi, play badminton, chess, or dance, play music, or sing with their friends. The temple complex has a real community feel to it and it is a wonderful place to mingle with locals and see firsthand what locals do in their free time.Built as a place of worship, the temple is different from any other imperial structures. There are two parts in the temple zone. The outer wall of the temple zone is 6,416 meters in length while the inner wall 3,292 meters long. The architecture of the temple represents two themes: in the heaven and on the earth. The 6 meters high walls of the temple constitute a semi- circle in the north and a semi- rectangle in the south. This special layout illustrates an important belief in an cient China that the heaven is round and the earth rectangular.The northern section of the wall is high while the south is low, which means that the heaven is higher and superior to earth. All the essential architecture of the temple were built along a north – south central axis and are linked by a bridge called Danbi. The four main structures from the south to the north are the Circular Mound later (Huang Yuan Qiu Tan), the Imperial Heavenly Vault (Huang Qiong Yu), the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest (Qi Nian Dian), and the Hall of Imperial Zenith (Huang Qi Dian). Other interesting places in the park include the Hall of Abstinence, the Dressing Platform and the Nine Dragon Cypress.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Human nature vs. Human condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Human nature vs. Human condition - Essay Example But it needs to be noted here that everything that relates to us is inbuilt. Some features that build up our personality are depending on our past rather than having a scientific background. Things that build up the human condition are marriages, deaths, terrorism, physical activities like sports etc. which are not applicable to any scientific reasoning need to be studied in a more humanly manner. "Thinking about humans and the rest of nature has focused on shared biological properties and environmental attitudes." (Levin, 9) The reason why people confuse these very different branches of anthropology is that these branches despite being quite different share certain features which are quite similar when it comes to human development and growth. It needs to be discriminated here the difference between those features that symbolize the human way of living as we take it to be and the reasonable claim that it has taken origin from the human times it is easy to discriminate. For instance, cooking is part of one's everyday activity and despite how essential it is to us humans we can still not consider to be part of our nature although it has a past but still the utensils, material etc. required to produce food is not innate but a creation. Likewise sports is not something we were naturally interested in or has an evolutionary history but it is more of a requirement of one's prevailing conditions and desires. But the problem arises with certain issue that is quite intriguing for even researchers because of their dominating biological nature. The philosopher I would like to mention here are Thomas Hobbes and Plato who both in their distinct manner have contributed to propagate this theory. Although "The interpersonal structures of humanity, the genesis of social order cannot be conveyed from a philosophical perspective" (Klein and Sitling, 191) In Hobbes book Leviathan he provides a very detailed analysis about the human condition. In this book he tells that our internal desires, motives and behavior are all because of the biological processes that are taking place inside us. The choice between good and bad, right and wrong is merely the choice of the individual and his/her personal preferences. When one is not bounded by society and is only answerable to him then the objective of living fades. In a natural atmosphere one does not need to abide by justice or injustice but can choose what he prefers and neglect what is not a part of his conscious choice o0r ill for his existence. Apparently the picture Thomas Hobbes tried to draw was fairly vague with no practicality in itself. He believed that the humans did not require moral or ethical values to survive. There was no room for justice, fairness, trust, equality etc. which are such virtues without which a society can never prosper. For instance if the people constituting a society have only desires of basic necessities like food etc. then the one in power and dominance on the basis of hi s position would oppress the one underneath depriving the oppressed one of his basic necessities. The reason behind such representation was not to portray a scary sort of a depiction but was consciously based on the ethics of society. For instance if today we are bound to morality, value and principles it is merely because we have a sense of responsibility and certain infused respect for others which we have learnt from our surroundings. If these values vanish and humans are not liable to others then an environment will be created that would be free from justice with bloodshed and injustice everywhere. Furthermore an environment would be created that w

Finance Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Finance Project - Research Paper Example Despite such universal nature of the banking, there are still key differences between the banking systems of the world. Banking in Switzerland is considered as one of the most sophisticated and neutral banking systems in the world. Due to the overall protection and security offered to the customers under the Swiss laws, Swiss banks have proved one of the most preferred destinations for the global funds. US banking system on the other hand is regulated both at the State and Federal level and is considered as one of the most transparent and opens banking systems in the world. US banking system are relatively different from the Swiss banking system because of the overall nature of the regulations as well as the essential nature and characteristics of the system. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the US and Swiss banking system. Swiss Banking System Swiss Banking system is one of the oldest banking systems in the world and is famous for keeping the secrecy of its clients intact. Thus till now one of the prominent features of banking system in Switzerland is its ability to keep the identity of its customers as secret under the laws. This element of the banking system however, has its roots in the first part of the 20th century when in order to protect the money of German Jews from Nazis. Apart from this, its constitutional requirement that the individual liberty and privacy of the individuals to be kept according to the wishes of the individuals. Thus the overall notion of secrecy within the banking system of the country is exactly according to the laid down constitutional requirements of the country. It is also because of this reason that Swiss Banks issue numbered accounts thus protecting the names of the individuals and as per law all the bankers are required to remain silent about their customers. Thus one of the critical aspects of the Swiss Banking system is the issuance of the numbered accounts to the account holders in order to protect their secrecy and privacy. (Gumbel) Another important feature of Swiss banking is its ability to offer the universal banking services- a concept which was adapted little late by other countries including US. Under the universal banking services, Swiss banks offer almost all the services to their customers besides offering the traditional secrecy and protection to the customers. Universal banking services included services which are not only traditional like deposits as well as lending but also include other services such as investment advice, insurance as well as financial planning services, asset management services as well as other allied services.1 Though the universal banking services have now been adapted by most of the countries however, Swiss banks pioneered in developing the universal banking services in the world. Unlike other countries, Banks in Switzerland are not directly controlled by the central bank of the country. However, most of the banks in the country ar e regulated and controlled through Swiss Financial Market Supervisory authority which is a separate authority from the central bank of the country. It is also important to note that the Swiss banking system is also famous for its overall lending techniques and the quality of the loans. Swiss banks are considered as soundest banks in the world due to their overall practices and the way they lend to their borrowers.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing Plan of Red Bull Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Plan of Red Bull - Research Paper Example Naturally, with respect to the different product offerings and individualized geographic sales strategies and formulations that the energy drink giant puts forward, there are only a few comparisons between the parent company and many of the product offerings that exist within smaller and more diversified markets. However, regardless of the differentials that exist, the main product offering that has proven to be the defining success of the brand is nonetheless equally represented in every single market that the firm operates within. Mission Statement â€Å"We are dedicated to upholding Red Bull standards, while maintaining the leadership position in the energy drinks category when delivering superior customer service in a highly efficient and profitable manner. We create a culture where employees share best practices dedicated to coaching and developing our organisation as an employer of choice† Products and Services Although it is ultimately the intention of Red Bull to engag e in a broad marketing plan that will see each and every one of its sectors grow in overall sales, the purpose of this specific strategy is with regards to seeking to leverage a degree of the health supplement market that is currently experienced such a high level of growth. In such a way, introduction of a new product line and effective marketing of this will depend mainly upon focusing and refocusing the attention of any and all marketing activities into a process of rebranding and integration within such a market. Financial Feasibility With regards to the financial outlook and the means by which the firm can seek to recover in the eventuality that such a marketing plan is a failure, the approach... Prior to any degree of success due to the introduction of a new product, the firm in question must research the market as well as the potential consumers of whatever good or service they are attempting to integrate with the consumer base. As a function of this level of research presented in the essay, it is possible for the firm to gain key insights into the best ways in which a given product is able to be integrated and prove to provide an overall increase in profitability. The researcher also analyzed it as a function of understanding for the need of marketing research and understanding with regards to the markets and the consumer tastes. This essay provides brief summary that will detail the market as it exists for Red Bull energy drinks. By providing an overview of the geographical markets, overall sales and market share, expectation for future sales growth, profitability potential, and seeking to analyze and understand the firm’s geographic growth strategy, the reader and the researcher are able to determine a great deal with regards to what may take place within the future without ever having to suffer the risk and danger of blindly testing a highly costly product line in a market or with a given demographic of the consumer base that would ultimately reject it. In conclusion, the researcher presented marketing program of the Red Bull company, it's most common strategies, such as product strategy, price and promotion strategies, which has vaulted Red Bull to such a worldwide level of the claim success.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Case Study Example Apart from advising the franchisees about how to promote the outlets in their respective areas and the local market, McFadden can take other steps to encourage the franchisees to promote their outlets like he can provide additional funds for promotions and also can provide some incentives and rewards for those franchisees who perform better in promoting the outlets in the local market. McFadden should analyse the franchisability properly before making any decision. Determining franchisability means to asses that whether the business is worth franchisable that means the entrepreneur must determine that whether the business is profitable or not, whether the business model can be easily copied by the competitor, does the business model can be easily adopted by the competitors, is the business model has any unique feather which is different from the others etc (Shakespeare, 1995, p.90). As the competitors are able to copy the business model of McFadden therefore it is clear that the franchisability was not properly analysed as a result the competitor can imitate it. To control the situation, first of all Just Cuts should restructure the business model in such a way which will be difficult to copy. In response to the imitators, Just Cuts can bring innovation in its services in terms of enhanced quality and customer satisfaction. Some of these things have already been d one by the management of Just Cuts. Apart from this, Just cuts should change their policies regarding the services it offers so that the competitors cannot always imitate the policies. Just Cuts can also go for branding its products so that the customers can distinguish the services from those of the imitators. Good branding will also reduce the anxiety of the franchisees regarding the low cost service providers because branded services always finds its place in the market. Deciding on the franchising fee is an important aspect of franchising. Some franchisees require less funds

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Emergence of Modern Political Ideologies Research Paper

Emergence of Modern Political Ideologies - Research Paper Example Karl Marx argues for the uprising of a group he calls the proletariat, which is essentially the working class, and which is against the factory owners, a group he calls the bourgeoisie. This group also consists of the industrialists and the landlords who, through regulations of both the prices of commodities and rent, continually oppressed the laborers. According to Marx, this problem was not one that was compatible with capitalism and that the only way it could be solved was through communism (Marx 14). Marx postulates that the bourgeoisie has exploited the proletariats in search of cheap labor that denies the country self-sufficiency. The bourgeoisie will then look for labor from other poorer countries so that they can lower production cost. The increased demand for raw materials in the foreign countries brings about industrialization in that country which in turn nurtures a breed of both the bourgeoisie and proletariat as the rich want to exploit the poor for profits (Marx 13). Li beralization This is a very common ideology that sprouted after the industrial revolution. It was supposedly about the enjoyment of individual freedom of every individual in the society and the fact that the minority were free to air their ideas without being coerced (Mill 6). They would be allowed to speak out of their thoughts, speech, and even take or participate in the action, as long as they brought no harm to other people. After industrialization, people engaged in numerous economic activities.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Peer Review PowerPoint Presentation Against Death Penalty Essay

Peer Review PowerPoint Presentation Against Death Penalty - Essay Example The paper ought to have introduced the matter as a regulation within the laws of the land that is not conforming to certain standards of the natural laws and that is not achieving any realistic targets as are expected. The body of the document does not present the information in a properly organized and sequential manner. The writer has failed to give the information with in depth explanations and examples covering all the expected and related cases. The body ought to have involved clear illustrations of the practical related issues in the area of concern ensuring that the illustrations of back up the improper effecting of the legislation and how it has directly affected the parties that have suffered from consequences of the implementation of this legislation. The body reports that the execution of the stipulated regulations of the process fails to achieve goals of handling the situation, however it does not provide the best practicable alternative that can solve the issue amicably. The writer just within the body provides his complaints but does not specifically raise the factual issues in relation to the execution of the regulation. The conclusion is very categorical and on point with direct inference on the opinion of the writer minus making a consideration of the opinions of other likeminded individuals and players in the subject area. The conclusion has failed to provide a concrete explanation and illustration in relation to the issues discussed and is very brief. The grammar has no proper polishing in relation to the clear presentation of the topic of discussion in the subject matter. However, the language used is not very professional and legislative as expected in relation to the subject of concern. I expected that the language of use in this paper would majorly be in relation to legislations and the acts of the government stated and clearly explained with the reasons of non-achievement of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Case study Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis - Case Study Example In order to achieve this, the board members should be freely elected by the shareholders on the basis of their experience and competencies. 2.Tim Harrington’s efforts to manage the board of directors and investors are worthless given that he has no influence over them. In the first place, he does not want any interference from them which puts him in a difficult corner. He may not be able to influence their decisions since there is a division that already exist the two. Tim is hard headed since he thinks that he can make decisions without the input of the members of the board which is quite impossible. The management should have reviewed the business strategy to see if it can turn around the fortunes of the company by venturing into another lucrative form of business. Tim’s view of â€Å"better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission shows that he has pride. He thinks he is above the situation in all respects in the company. He thinks that he cannot seek for permission from the board to implement certain decisions which is not supposed to be the case. 3. The venture capital decision is favourable to the people who belong to the group since it reflects their interests. Being the major shareholders in the company, selling the company is a viable strategy that can prevent loses in the long run since the financial crisis witnessed is unpredictable. In most cases, the factors obtaining on the ground in the real economic situation are beyond the control of many organizations. When there have been signs of bad things to come, it would be wise to dispose the company while there is still time. This can help to salvage the money invested in the company. ________________________________________________________________ The board of directors in a public company should be composed of independent people who have interests of the company and the other shareholders at heart. People with direct interests in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Construction of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Essay Example for Free

The Construction of Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Essay The Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) is operated by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), a government owned authority. The site is approximately ten miles south of Spring City, TN, approximately 1. 25 miles south of the Watts Bar Dam that it is named for, and on the west bank of the Tennessee River. There are two units, Unit 1 which is operational and Unit 2 which is unfinished. The Groundbreaking for Unit 1 took place in 1972, with major construction beginning in 1973 (TVA website). However Unit 1 did not begin commercial operation until 1996 – twenty-three years after major construction started and according to Munson (2002) at a cost of $7 billion – and Unit 2 has yet to be completed. Construction licenses for both units were awarded by the nuclear regulator of the time the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in 1973, and construction of both units was supended in 1985. Unit 1 construction was restarted in 1990 and the full power operating license was issued in 1996. Unit 2 remained only partially constructed until 2007 when TVA announced it would resume construction. Detailed information about the original tender, construction process, numbers of workers, time scales and original budgets is not available for Unit 1 as the project began in the early 1970s and the information is archived and not easily retrievable (Johnson, personal communication). However Unit 1 is typical of the reactors of its time so some general information is available. For example, in terms of the plant overall, figures from 1974 (Peterson, 2003) indicate that the construction of a typical nuclear plant required 40 metric tons (MT) of steel and 190 cubic meters (m3) of concrete per average megawatt of electricity (MW(e)) generating capacity. With a capacity of over 1000 MWe, figures for the construction of Unit 1 can be estimated as over 40,000 MT of steel, and 190,000 m3 of concrete. Due to the geologic features of the site (see below), it is reasonable to assume that the real figures were even higher. There is some information with regards the restart of construction for Unit 2. Reactors Both units are Westinghouse Four-loop Pressurized-Water Reactor (PWR), as shown in the figure below (TVA website) capable of electrical output of 1125 MWe. A four-loop Westinghouse plant has four steam generators, four reactor coolant pumps, and a Pressurizer. There are 193 fuel assemblies arranged in a 17 x 17 array inside a reactor vessel that has an internal diameter of 173 inches. The reactor vessel is constructed of a manganese molybdenum steel, and all surfaces that come into contact with reactor coolant are clad with stainless steel to increase corrosion resistance. The reactor coolant flows to the steam generator (USNRC, 2003). Typically, PWR containments typically consist of heavily steel-reinforced concrete cylinders ranging in thickness from 3. 5 feet to 4. 5 feet, capped by a hemispherical dome of steel-reinforced concrete. The cylinder is typically 140 feet high, with a 140-foot diameter. Reinforcement bars that form a cage within the concrete are typically Grade 60 #18 steel bars on 12-inch to 15-inch centers. A #18 rebar is two and one-quarter inches in diameter (ABS Consulting, 2002). Additional reinforcement may be called for depending on the results of the seismic survey undertaken for the site. This was the case for the Watts Bar reactors. The Final Safety Analysis Report for WBN (TVA 1991), reported that the plant is located in the Valley and Ridge Province of the Appalachian Highlands, and the major geologic feature at the site is the Kingston thrust fault, which developed 250 million years ago. The fault has been inactive for many millions of years, and recurrence of movement is not expected. The fault lies to the northwest of the site area and is not involved in the foundation for any of the major plant structures. The SAR for the WBN states that it was designed based on the largest historic earthquake to occur in the Southern Appalachian Tectonic Province the 1897 Giles County, Virginia earthquake. This earthquake is estimated to have had a body wave magnitude of 5. 8. The Safe Shutdown Earthquake for the plant has been established as having a maximum horizontal acceleration of 0. 18 g and a simultaneous maximum vertical acceleration of 0. 12 g WBN Unit 2 Restart of Construction As Unit 2 is essentially identical to Unit 1, the scope of work for Unit 2 duplicates that of Unit 1 as much as possible with some additional scope for Unit 2 not included in the Unit 1 startup such as another cooling tower, transmission system, various upgrades and work completed since Unit 1 startup such as a process computer upgrade (Moll, 2007). Estimated cost of the project to complete startup is 2. 49 billion, over 54 months with commercial operation of the unit scheduled for early 2012 (Westinghouse, 2008). Moll reports that peak staffing is estimated at 2,300 craft and technical personnel. The project phases will include the Engineering and Analysis phase, which will include plant walk downs to establish the current condition of the plant, the engineering evaluations of program work and identification of design discrepancies. The second phase as outlined by Moll is the Design Production phase to correct identified deficiencies and design changes required to maintain consistency between units. The third phase is the implementation phase which will include the construction, the modifications required in supporting two units, the maintenance activities, testing, non-design repairs and clean up. Finally the Startup Test phase that will ensure the systems are capable of safe shutdown before the operations phase. Major Issues Affecting the Contruction of WBN Unit 1 Nuclear power reactors are regulated by federal and state laws to protect human health and the environment. These regulatory requirements are of paramount consideration in the construction of any nuclear facilities. Regulatory costs for the nuclear industry are a significant percentage of construction and on-going operating costs and as such regulatory considerations play a large role in dictating all aspects of the project from the chosen site to the reactor design to the management of on-going operations. The construction period of the Watts Bar reactors coincided with significant changes in the regulatory environment. The most significant nuclear regulatory authority in the US is United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (US NRC). The Watts Bar reactors were in the construction phase when the accidents occurred at Three Mile Island in 1979, and later, Chernobyl in 1986. Reaction to these events resulted in further and more stringent regulatory requirements. Environmental obligations have also become ever more important, and operators must also satisfy requirements for environmental impact statements. Construction of both units was suspended in 1985, primarily because numerous TVA staff made complaints that the construction process was inadequate and that there may be resulting safety risks (NRC, Safety Evaluation Report, 1995). On September 17, 1985 the NRC required TVA to address various deficiencies in its activities and TVA withdrew its certification that Unit 1 was ready to load fuel. The NRC Safety Evaluation Report notes the findings that there were significant problems in construction quality and quality assurance. Deficiencies in construction involved a number of systems and issues including the quality of welding and cabling. There were many staff concerns and complaints that also needed to be addressed. In the report the NRC itself recognises its own role in not providing sufficient regulatory oversight. The report notes the extensive corrective actions performed by TVA, which included a Nuclear Performance Plan to address material, design and programmatic deficiencies and included inspection and testing of the construction issues and programs to respond to staff concerns. Unit 1 construction was resumed in 1990. In terms of estimating and producing time lines for such a project, The Watts Bar example demonstrates that as well as being aware of industry codes and building standards it is crucial to understand the regulatory requirements for the relevant industry. Unforseen delays also need to be considered, as does whether risks of such are allocated to the contractor. If risks are allocated to the contractor, the risk of a long delay should be considered in the estimate. Some of this risk may be offset when components in a project can be worked on independently or concurrently with each other, rather than build components that need to be constructed sequentially. The Watts Bar Unit 1 reactor is a good example of unforseen events affecting the construction process (for example, discovery of the fault, the changes in the regulatory environment after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979). Although Unit 1 was on-line by September 11, 2001, security requirements for installations such as nuclear power stations were increased, and on-going construction projects for security sensitive projects were affected at that time. Changes to regulatory requirements, standards and codes need to be tracked for any project. Quality Assurance systems must be in place, and accounted for in the initial estimating process. References 1. TVA Website Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Retrieved April 3, 2008 from : http://www. tva. gov/power/nuclear/wattsbar. htm 2. Munson, Richard.The Electricity Journal, Vol:15, Issue:10, December 2002 pp76-80. 3. NRC, Partial Chronology WB Unit 2 (Table) (2007 August 23) Retrieved April 3, 2008 from: http://www. nrc. gov/reactors/plant-specific-items/watts-bar/watts-bar-partial-chronology. html 4. (Terry W Johnson, Communications, Tennessee Valley Authority, personal communication, April 5, 2008). 5. Peterson, F. â€Å"Will the United States Need a Second Geologic Repository? † The Bridge National Academy of Engineering Vol:33, No. 3, Fall 2003. 6. TVA Website (Figure of Reactor). Retrieved April 3 2008 from: http://www. tva. gov/sites/wattsbarnuc. htm# 7. USNRC Technical Training Center, Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) Systems 2003. Retrieved April 7, 2008 from: http://www. nrc. gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/teachers/04. pdf 8. ABS Consulting and ANATECH, Aircraft Crash Impact Analyses Demonstrate Nuclear Power Plant’s Structural Strength, December 2002. Retrieved April 7, 2008 from: http://www. stpnoc. com/EPRI%20study. doc 9. The Final Safety Analysis Report for WBN (TVA 1991), excerpt retrieved from: http://www. hanford. gov/rl/uploadfiles/ea/ea1210/section4. htm

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Cooking Green Beans with Salt Essay Example for Free

Cooking Green Beans with Salt Essay Introduction An experiment was conducted where two sets of green beans where cooked. One set had salt and the other one didn’t. One person who did not know which set of green beans had salt and which one didn’t got to taste and judge both of the sets on taste, texture and color. Chef Heston Blumenthal once asked ‘Why do cooks add salt (sodium chloride) when cooking vegetables, for example green beans? ’ Other chefs answered with these possible answers: * | * It keeps the beans green| * | * It raises the boiling point of water so the beans cook faster| * | * It prevents the beans going soggy|. * | * It improves the flavor. However, a scientist also replied saying these statements were untrue because: * | * Only the acidity and calcium content of the water affect the color of the beans| * | * Adding salt increases the boiling point of water but by such a small amount that it will make no difference to cooking times| * | * Vegetables will go soggy if cooked for too long whether salt is added or not| * | * Little salt is actually absorbed onto the surface of a bean during cooking – typically 1/10 000 g of salt per bean which is too little to be tasted by most people. The aim to this experiment was to prove or disprove these points. Materials:Listed below are the materials used for this experiment: * One bag of green beans containing about 250g * Two pans * Two bowls * One stopwatch * One strainer * A cutting board * A knife * A thermometer * SaltProcedure:First, the bag of green beans were washed and cut up. Then, they were evenly divided into two bowls; bowl A and bowl B. Bowl A had no salt in it and was then put into a pan and observed. The time it took to reach its boiling point and the temperature at boiling point were then noted. After that, the beans were places into a strainer and dried. This was also done with bowl B, except salt was added. DataAfter conducting the experiment, this is the data that was obtained:| | | | | With salt| Without salt| Taste| Tasteful| Dull, boring| Texture| Soft| Crunchy| Flavor| -| -|. As you can see, the only thing that didn’t change about the beans with salt was the flavor, which stayed the same for both experiments. Conclusion: Clearly, after this experiment, we proved the chefs right. Both the texture and taste where better with the salty beans. Some of the limitations where that we only tried this experiment once, therefore it is not 100% correct. We could have also had more people testing it, instead of just one person because there are some factors that could influence the opinion.

Effect of Leadership styles and Change Management

Effect of Leadership styles and Change Management Leadership experts agree that The most important factor which is being faced by leaders now and in the future are sensitivity to radical change and the experts also agree with the fact that radial change is the most important key. The result is a model of radical change describing the leadership styles best suited to the successful implementation of each stage in the change process. Using the Leadership Style Inventory (LSI), leaders can determine which stages of radical change they are equipped to handle. The key component of a successful leader is the proactive and responsiveness to radical change .Some experts in this field describes the qualities that should be there is a leader are that he should be flexible to change , now leaders should be open to novel alternatives and they should be willing to take greater risks. Now days leaders are more information seeker then information distributors as compared to before. Leader Style Focuses on Persuades by Makes changes Learned by Commanding Results Directing Rapidly Doing Logical Innovation Explaining Carefully Studying Inspirational Opportunities Creating Trust Radically Questioning Supportive Facilitate work Involvement Slowly Listening Now this above table is knows as Leader style inventory (LSI) which basically tells us about the main styles of different types of leaders which is their main focus , how to tend to approach their work , how they are able to make changes and how do they learn to do it. There are four main types of leader styles. The commanding style focuses on performance and has a short-term goal orientation. Commanders are highly productive and results oriented. They can be very effective when goal achievement is the primary focus. They learn better by their own successes and failures than by input from others. Other one is the logical style they tend to cover all the alternatives and they have long-term goals they tend to take decisions very carefully and they learn to do things by studying all the aspects. Third one is the inspirational style, which comes in those leaders who fore see future opportunities and develop meaningful visions by experimentation. And those who are more concerned with cu stomers and are more customer oriented is a specialty of supportive style leaders. They are involved as much as possible and in their view change is low by listening to each and everything what others have to say. Now radical change is done through five main stages which are planning, enabling, launching, catalyzing and maintaining. The way leaders handle work are categorized by these five stages some can be good at planning or initiating while other can be useful at monitoring and marinating. Now leaders who are versatile are known as strategic leaders. They know how to plan and organize things at the work place they know how to handle customers and stretch their employees imagination for developing and implementation of strategies. so leadership qualities are very important is change management . The five stages of a process, which are mentioned above, are very important and the leader has to adopt and cope with the change. Now in this article (Stephen Warrilow, 2010) stated that change management support those strategies which are people centric rather than totally process oriented and such strategies are successful which are based on this theory. This article is based on a research project which was held at Hawthorne Plant of western electric company in the US, now the project was not to examine the motivation styles or to see how leadership effects the whole process but they wanted to know that how environment plays an important role i.e. to check the environmental and physical influence of the workplace. The studies which came as a result they called it as the The Hawthorne Effect which basically means that psychological factors plays important role in the motivation and the improvement of the work quality of the employees and the Hawthorne effect also states that people would work better when they are allowed to socially interact witch each other and a supportive attention is given to them accordin g to them workplace is a social network where people come and interact with each other. There were three further conclusions which experts analyze from this effect which are as follow Social factors influence individuals production more rather than the individuals aptitude. There is a group life among the workers i.e. there is a group life and how the works tend to develop their relation with their superiors tend to direct the work and will carry out orders in the same manner. Work group norms affect the productivity So basically the leadership styles effect the productivity for instance better supportive attentions should be given to the employees. By applying some principles managing organizational change will be more successful. Now change management requires thoughtful planning and sensitive implementation but above all the main characteristics, which affects are consultation with and involvement of the people which are affected by the change. These factors are vital for any leader because they need to consult before they making any decision and involvement of other people are very important because if you are working in a team then it is very important that you take the whole team along with you individualism sometimes costs heavy. There is a difference is culture as there are some cultures that still promote individualism but most of the nations have understood the power of teamwork and they heavily reply on it. Now the managers should be encouraged to communicate face to face with their people too if they are helping one manage an organizational change. Email and written notes and extremely weak at conveying and developin g understanding. For organizational change that entails new actions, objectives and processes for a group or team of people, use workshop to achieve understanding, involvement, plans, measurable aims, actions and commitments now another main and important way of doing things in an organization is to encourage your management team to use workshops with their people too if they are helping you to manage the change. The leader should understand that people should be involved at all times, they should understand where the organization is at the moment, understand the future goals that where wants to be and the most important is to communicate, involve, enable and facilitate involvement from people, as early and openly and as fully as in possible. There are eight steps which are stated as John P Kotter eight step change model can be summarized as increased urgency, build the right guiding team, get the vision right, communicate for buy in, enpower action, create short term win which mean s that the goals should be set which are easy to reach and it is dont let up and lastly make change stick. Organizational culture and leadership and inter related experts have two approaches to the study of the cultural aspect in organization: cultural as an organizational variable an, then culture something which can be manipulated. So the leader himself can control the nature, direction and the impact of such manipulations. Now if culture can be seen as an integral part of an organization then everything is affected by the culture. In (Schein, 1992) observed that organizational culture and leadership and inter related and this relation can be seen by considering the organizational life cycle. So during the process of organization formation the founder of the company creates an organization, which reflects their values and beliefs. (Bass, 1985) demonstrated the relationship between leadership and organizational culture by examining different styles of leadership on culture. According to him there are two kinds of leaders one are transactional leaders which perform their duties and work w ithin the culture of the organization and second are the transformational leaders who frequently work towards changing the organizational culture in line with their vision. Findings show that the style of the leader effects performance, certain types of culture are linked to superior performance and culture and leadership are related, behavior and styles also play an important role in the leadership and the change management as the decisions are based on the leaders for that they have to diagnose the problem first then act according to it then understanding of the situational factors are very important because if the leader dont know where he wants to be and where he wants to take the organization then he will fail as a leader and organization will collapse as a whole. Good leadership is critical to a successful organization. Success comes from aiming high with the clear visions and communication that good leadership brings. The importance the executive attaches to leadership and development of leadership capacity is reflected in the leadership agenda set out in Ambitious, Excellent organization. The behaviors of leaders within organizations have been found to account for some of the organizations overall performance. The characteristics of a successful leader and ways of achieving Exemplary leadership. Challenge the process by looking for new ways of doing things. Inspire a shared vision by looking into the future and communicating the organizations goals to the rest of the group. Enable others to act by listening and encouraging others to participate. Model the way by first knowing the philosophy, goals and plan of the organization. Encourage others to grow by acknowledging and rewarding their accomplishments. Although present day leaders may think in terms of empowerment and team building, the fundamentals of leadership are integrating followers and helping them achieve the organizations common goal. In order for the organization to grow, there needs to be change. There are two things that need to happen in order for change to occur. First, many leaders need to be working together. Secondly, leaders need to break down or abandon the familiar way of doing things. Although this is often seen as the disruptive side of leadership, this process challenges others to go beyond their limits and bring to the organization new and innovative way of doing things. So we can conclude that leadership styles do tend to influence the performance of the organization and they way they tend to take those decisions effect the whole of the organization. This article reports a longitudinal study that examined mergers between three large Multi-site public-sector organizations. Facts are provided and used to examine the effect of leadership and change management strategies on acceptance of cultural change by individuals. In this article basically the great man theory of leadership is discussed according to which situation also plays a vital role in determining the leaders effectiveness to that and how different types of leader act in different situations. Theories of transformational leadership and organizational change emphasize that change is accomplished through the leaders implementation of a unique vision of the organization through powerful persuasive personal characteristics and actions designed to change internal organizational cultural forms This study attempts to identify the impact of three different leadership styles on the learning climate generated in the organization. The leadership styles studied are: benevolent or paternalistic style, critical style and developmental style. The impact variables studies include the extent to which they produce loyalty and dependence, resentment and counter dependence and learning, job satisfaction and morale. The study indicated that while benevolent style creates dependence and resentment, critical style creates resentment and it is developmental style that tends to creates learning and job satisfaction This article will present a conceptual framework of the various elements of organizational change in order to obtain a better understanding of the management of organizations. As such, the purpose of this article is to present an overview of strategic organizational change (SOC) and its managerial impact upon leadership, learning, motivation and productivity. Successful organizations show more positive than negative attributes. Successful organizations tend to focus on customers and their needs. They invest in ways to improve sales and provide superior service to clients, and they do not forget that their customers and their customers needs underlie their organizations existence.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Immigration and Change as Natural :: Globalization Immigration Migration Essays

Immigration and Change as Natural Voyages: From Tongan Villages to American Suburbs, by Cathy A. Small, is both interesting and entertaining reading. This ethnography of social change of a Pacific island nation, is a fine example of how a system of chiefdoms evolves into a monetary system. It also served to demonstrate how this process affected immigration in mainstream America. My first reaction stemmed from a political theory class I took. This in conjunction with, sociologist Saskia Sassen’s article â€Å"Why Migration† , about the reasons why migration has become a key element of contemporary global society, brought to mind the writings of Karl Marx. Marx who lived from 1818-1883, write extensively on the capitalist form of government and criticized it openly. Although I do not agree with the Marxist school of thought in general, I saw many truths in the things that he proclaimed. Among these he addressed the inroads of capitalism and its corruption of other societies. These issues, along with the many readings we have had, brought to the forefront some of my own feeling of discontent with our present society and world globalization, a discontent different and at times very similar to those who migrate. In â€Å"Why Migration?†, Sassen states, â€Å"The central role played by the United States in the emergence of a global economy over the past 30 years lies at the core of why people migrate here in ever increasing numbers†(Sassen 14). The author goes on to tell how the flow of capitalist goods, services and information creates links between the United States and other countries. These links become bridges across which migrants, like the Tongans flow. With this in mind I could not help thinking how right Marx was, and how well he had forecasted Tongan transnationalism. In â€Å"The German Ideology† Marx writes, in reference to capitalists and their goods, â€Å"in place of old wants satisfied by the production of the country, we find new wants requiring for satisfaction the production of distant lands and culture.† He also writes, â€Å"In place of the old local and national seclusion and self-sufficiency we have intercourse in every direction, universal interdependence of nations† (Marx 162). This to me best sums up the transition of Tongan society. It seems to be the epitome of the issues Sassen raised in â€Å"Why Migration?†, issues that were relevant in Tonga’s new found transnationalism.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Essay -- Papers History Compare Contra

Comparing Mesopotamia and Egypt Before the beginning of history, people from across the land gradually developed numerous cultures, each unique in some ways while the same time having features in common. Mesopotamia and Egypt are important to the history of the world because of religious, social, political and economic development. Mesopotamia was the first civilization, which was around 3000 B.C., and all other countries evolved from it. Mesopotamia emerged from the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. The soil was rich and agriculture was plentiful. The Semitic nomads occupied the land around Akkad. The Sumerians established the city-states. Villages became urban centers. Because of the formation of the city-states everything flourished. However, Mesopotamian agriculture lacked stones; therefore mud brick became their major building block. Their diet consisted of fish from the rivers. The rivers were flooded frequently destroyed the cities. Mesopotamians made their living from crops and pottery. Mesopotamian society was stratified into classes and social differences. It was composed of nobles, free clients of the nobility, commoners and slaves. Slave women participated in the textile industry. Free women did exist, however, men dominated the women in Mesopotamia. The nobles consisted of the king, his family, the chief priests, and high palace officials. The king was a war leader elected by the citizens. He established an army and led it into battle. Kingship was hereditary. Commoners were free citizens. The school system of the Sumerians set the educational standards for Mesopotamia culture and other cultures to follow. Their studies included mathematics, botany and linguistics. Some students tha... ...rule of Amenemhet. He was responsible for rebuilding democracy, staff of scribes and administrations. He used propaganda literature to reinforce his position as king. The Egyptians pictured him as a good shepherd opposed to inaccessible god. Ammon was given prominise over other gods. His kingdom became extremely powerful. He established trades with foreign land and formed a standing Army and built forts on the southern frontier. The Second Intermediate Period lasted 150 years. Hyksos from Palestine invaded it. The New Kingdom begins when Hyksos are driven out of Palestine. The New Kingdom was the 18th Dynasty. Ahmose I take over. He reunified the country. Women played in an important role in the New Kingdom. Hatshepsut was a powerful female. She was the wife of Thutmose II and mother of Thutmose III. The wars were fought in horse drawn carriages.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hope Springs Eternal and The Shawshank Redemption :: Shawshank Redemption

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I hope I can make it across the border. I hope I can see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.† (106)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hope Springs Eternal is a story that demonstrates how important it is to keep hope alive. Throughout the entire story, Andy was different from most everybody else, especially the other inmates. This was something readily picked out by the minister/warden. He had accused Andy of walking around as if he where at a â€Å"cocktail party†. Red explained it better when he described some of the qualities in Andy that made the warden say what he did. He always walked light footed and always kept his shoulders squared. He never developed that kind of hazy dead look that the other inmates had. Nor did he adopt their hunched over sluggish walk when it came time to go back to their cages. The thing that constantly beamed from him, and differentiated him so much from everybody else was the thing he never gave up; hope.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Andy didn’t know from the get go that he was going to escape from a hole he dug in the wall. In fact he didn’t know he was going to escape at all. But he always had hope that he would leave the Shank. This is evident in how he had taken his money and saved it from getting washed away by the on coming hurricane. Also, he had his good friend set up a bank account for his new identity. He kept this hope of getting out although it changed a few times. At first it was just hope of getting out somehow, then it was escaping, for a brief time it came back to getting out legitimately when he met Tommy Williams. It got to Andy when the warden crushed that hope by transferring Tommy, but he didn’t give up. His hope went right back to escaping through that little hole he dug.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If you gave up on hope, then you gave up on life. In the Shank the inmates gave up hope pretty early, and that is why they developed those bland, dead eyes. They were not living; they were merely going through routine. It’s probably for that reason that so many inmates last such a short time in the outside world. They would shrink away in fear when confronted with life, because they had been so long without out it.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Article; Train Fares Essay

Train fares go off the rails. Are train fares becoming affordable for only the rich? Travel is ridiculously expensive: bus train or taxi, but especially the train. As trains are used by many people for various reasons to travel: to and from work; to and from school; to and from visiting family or holidays. They are used daily, and can be used by anyone any age, to anywhere they need, and this is why trains shouldn't be so expensive.Trains are know as being the quickest,most efficient type of transport, as they travel through many different towns all over the country, and because they have professionals driving them already, they allow you to work on the move- something you can't do whilst driving. But the train isn't as great as they make it out to be, Dan Lane a business worker who travels by train to get to work everyday quoted ‘The price of a train ticket is absolutely ridiculous, I have to pay at least ? 200 a month to travel to and from work. I don't really earn alot, and most the money I do earn is mostly spend on buying more train tickets.I Could travel by car for a cheaper price, but i cannot afford a car, and I don't have a drivers licence. † Great Western obviously don't think the prices are enough, so keep rising them more. On average they earn ? 2 billion a year, but want more. High rail fares at peak times could be adding to ‘social exclusion' as the high prices are barring poorer people from using trains because they cannot afford a ticket; Because poorer people are less fortunate to use the train, they could be forced on dependence of cars, but to some could still not be accessible.As they are employed in different towns, they will need to find a way of transport, so many rely on using the train, but could be finding it difficult to pay to use it everyday. Train fares are highly expensive, and still rising to outrageous prices. Some are even finding it too much to pay for; housing, food, children, families and paying up to ? 200 on fares, they could end up finding theirselfs with very little money.If train fares continue to rise, and stay unable to keep affording tickets, it could consequence to them being forced either out of work because of unable access to get their destination, or forced out of their homes because they could end up unable to afford to live their any more. On the subject of ridiculous prices- Great Western made a ? 2 billion profit last year, -No wonder! Prices rose by an outrageous 50%. These rises in price could be the reason families have to relocate or change jobs- because the new locations could make their transport a whole load cheaper and quicker.Many people like visiting their families or friends, and may have to use the train to get their, which could be a problem because transport is essential and they could simply not afford it. Great Western managers don't realize they are preventing people from seeing: family, friends, going to work, or going to school. They only care about making the money, they don't care about their passengers. Some people simply can not afford the ridiculous price of just 1 train ticket. This year has flew by, leaving Christmas very soon.This means that people will be traveling to towns to do their Christmas shopping, which they need their money for, not to spend on a little piece of paper. Also people struggle to afford Christmas because they need to use the train to visit their families all over the place. John Lunton, 60 who is retired is angry with what is going on with the prices and wants to do something about it. â€Å"The prices when I was a teenager is what the prices should still be now, as they were reasonable. The prices have over doubled since then and I think it is absolutely ridiculous.I need to travel because I have Grandchildren and other family all over Britain, and I would like to see them over Christmas. Sadly, I cannot afford to travel to see all of them, but if I do choose to, then it would result in me not looking after myself by not eating, because I will need the money to travel. † A major problem with trains, is how managers allow them to get so overcrowded,which could be bad for others health, some people are claustrophobic so it could be bad for their health. Also trains are dirty and their is litter all over the floors, there are security cameras but they don't seem to help with anything at all.Trains are sometimes late and delayed, this shouldn't happen, as people need to get to work and if the train is late, and results in them being late for work, it could cost them their job. Trains show absolutely no sign of improvement for the conditions and them being on time, but which they should. Do the government care about their passengers and wasting their money? I think not. As long as their making their nice, big comfortable profits, they don't care who their passengers are, and how much they charge them.In my opinion, I think that the prices should be lowered to suit the co nditions of the trains, which would be quite low, but would result in them not making as much money. Oh no, What a shame! I'm not surprised that British citizens complain about the prices of train fares, as Britain has the highest price of train fares in the whole of Europe. The railway has been described as being a ‘rich mans transport' because it is becoming affordable for the rich only. An example of the ridiculous prices is from Exeter to London– The price of a single way journey is ? 130 minimum price. this shows how outrageous our county is getting.Many people have described ‘First group' as being ‘Worse group' and some people have even be complaining. So why are train fares so expensive? to get money for themselves, not caring abut other peoples money, as long as they have as much as they desire. Trains are used by many people for various reasons, therefore the prices should be reduced. but if the rising prices continues, they could lose customers, de scribed as ‘price increase= Passenger decrease. ‘ So if they want to maintain the high number of customers they are currently obtaining, they should either: lower the prices or stop rising them.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Legalized gambling in Hawaii Essay

The streets of Las Vegas Boulevard, which are littered with advertisements picturing naked girls willing to provide their services for a price, can be a scary place as someone takes a stroll. Drunk men stumble out of strip clubs and casinos, and girls in gaudy clothing and stilettos apply lipstick at their post. Nobody knows when someone lurking in the shadows might pop out with a knife to steal an unsuspecting person’s wallet. Or even worse, a friendly-looking stranger walking in the opposite direction could be waiting to come across the right person to drag into a dark alley, muffle their screams so that their cries for help blend into the noisy background of the streets, and do the unthinkable. The tolerance of drugs, prostitution, gambling, 24-hour liquor sales, gang violence, and the emphasis on the nightlife give Las Vegas its nickname, Sin City. Also known as The Entertainment Capital of the World, Las Vegas is a world-wide attraction for people from all walks of life. Whether visitors are seeking relaxation in one of Las Vegas’s five-star hotel casinos along with entertainment, gambling, shopping, and fine dining; employment or a new home in the nation’s fastest growing community, or the permissible use of money for sex-related services; Las Vegas thrives off of their tourism industry. Sometimes referred to as Hawaii’s ninth island, Las Vegas is a popular vacation spot for residents of Hawaii. Seeing as how Hawaii, along with Utah, is one of the only two states in the country where gambling is illegal, Hawaii residents visit Las Vegas to delight in part in guilty pleasure. Every week, as many as 3,000 people from Hawaii visit Las Vegas, and a growing amount of former Hawaii residents have made Sin City their new home (www. visitlasvegas. com). Facing billion dollar deficits and on the prowl for ways to increase revenue, Hawaii law makers have brought into question whether legalizing gambling would be a beneficial way of economic development. Dennis Arakaki, head of the Hawaii Family Forum and Hawaii Catholic Conference says, â€Å"people in Hawaii like gambling, but they realize it is not a very good idea to legalize it. Gambling isn’t a good way to deal with your financial problems, either personally or as a state. † Although gambling bills are pitched every year, Republican Governor, Linda Lingle is against the introduction of gambling to the islands (The Philadelphia Inquirer). In fact, the legalization of gambling in Hawaii is misleading in terms of increasing revenue and employment opportunities for the state. It will take away from the beauty and culture of the islands that visitors come to see. Although gambling supporters tend to leave this part out, the legalization of gambling will bring the hidden impact of gambling addiction to many people of Hawaii. Allowing gambling to be legal won’t necessarily rid the state of its billion dollars of debt. While gambling is a way to make money, The Drake Law Review says that figures are overestimated as a way of persuading government officials to allow gambling into our community. For example, in Quincy, Illinois, a betting parlor was estimated to bring in 200,000 dollars in tax revenue. Its actual earnings turned out to be barely one-third of that estimated figure. The future of the economy cannot always be predicted accurately. Therefore, to say that a gambling establishment will bring in a certain amount of money is literally taking a gamble. What the Drake Law Review is saying is that the amount of revenue is knowingly exaggerated as a way of misleading the community to think it is a way to get rich quick. It is also usual for gambling businesses, most of which hold government franchises, to request and receive five-year tax waivers. The building of new hotel casinos will surely create more jobs; however, the Illinois Business Review conducted a study showing the over-optimism in the expectancy of jobs. When comparing the employment and unemployment rates from before and after the introduction of gambling in Illinois, the opening of over 7,000 new jobs were not beneficial. It did not decrease the unemployment rate because most of the people who were hired for the new jobs were simply shifting from previous employment. The slight increase of employment could have been attained without legalizing gambling. Research done by the New Mexico Coalition Against Legalized Gambling shows that the legalization of gambling, which is supposed to be a strategy for economic development, actually causes economic decline. A study done in South Dakota showing that the legalization of gambling caused a decline of interest in auto sales, retail, recreational services, business services, and all other services excluding those of hotel service, supports the opposition of bringing casinos to Hawaii. The study shows that legalization of gambling will have a negative impact on local businesses because people will choose to invest their money elsewhere. Instead of taking part in recreational activities such as heading down to Sea Life Park to swim with the dolphins, tourists might choose to invest their time and money gambling in a hotel casino. Instances like that, where money is going toward the prosperity of casinos, have a negative financial impact on local businesses. In Atlantic City, there was an increase in homelessness and crime after the introduction of casinos. The increase of the rate of crime led to a decrease of property value for many communities. Crime rates are on the rise in places where legalized gambling is prevalent. Some may see the legalization of casinos in Hawaii as a way to enjoy the beach, go for a hike, see a luau, and be able to stop off at a slot machine to have some fun before heading to their room, but in reality Hawaii is not about gambling. The term, Aloha Spirit, is the attitude Hawaii is famous for. This is a way of describing the overall kindness and friendly acceptance that residents portray. When looking at a 2006 crime rate chart comparing both Honolulu and Las Vegas, Las Vegas exceeds Hawaii in all categories. The following numbers are actual examples: murder, 17 to 152; robbery, 956 to 5,381; aggravated assault, 1583 to 6680; and vehicle theft, 6288 to 19677. According to cityrating. com, when looking at a population of one million in the cities of Las Vegas, Nevada and the Honolulu, Hawaii, both violent and property crime rate percentages in the city of Las Vegas are not only greater than Honolulu, but above the national crime rate average as well. This suggests that the association that the city of Las Vegas has with gambling may contribute to the increase of crime. Bringing the slots to our neighborhood means bringing all the cons that come with it, thus destroying the Aloha Spirit. The presence of hotel casinos in Hawaii will deteriorate and draw away from the beauty and the culture of the islands that visitors come to see. Year-round warm climate and the inviting outdoors of the playful ocean and mountainous scenery attract people to the tropics of Hawaii. Along with this, another selling point of Hawaii is the cultural experiences visitors take part in to learn about the history and ways of life in the islands during their stay. This makes Hawaii the ideal destination for family vacationing, as opposed to Las Vegas, which attracts visitors by means of their casino and entertainment industry, and is ultimately meant for those who are 21 and over. Violence and crime associated with the presence of gambling would lead communities to be deemed unsafe. Instead of visiting the islands to learn about the culture, tourists may spend more time at the slot machines. Gambling is a serious behavioral problem with its own signs, symptoms, and treatments, that if brought to Hawaii, brings residents closer to the risk of gambling addiction. Gambling is like a cigarette, people know it is harmful, yet they still do it. Quitting is hard and when the person finally realizes they want to quit, it is often times too late. According to (www. helpguide. org), a problem with gambling puts a strain on relationships, interferes with obligations and responsibilities at home or in the workplace, and leads to financial catastrophe. Gambling leads people to do things that they normally wouldn’t do such as steal money to gamble or repay debts, resort to drugs or alcohol to cope with depression, and violent behavior as a means of coping with situations. Statistics show unfavorable results for gamblers. Divorce rates amongst gamblers are double than that of non-gamblers. The suicide rate of gamblers is a whopping twenty times higher than that of non-gamblers, and one in five gamblers will attempt to take their own life. While gambling doesn’t become a dangerous addiction to everyone, a person with an addiction problem will effect those around them, whether they are family, friend, or stranger. Children who have parents who are addicted to gambling may become neglected and turn to gangs, drugs, or alcohol. Just as a child who has a parent who smokes is more likely to smoke, a child who has a parent who gambles is more likely to gamble as well. Passing a law that legalizes gambling in Hawaii and brings casinos to our neighborhood misleads people with over-optimistic promises of prosperity. In actuality, instead of economic development, legalized gambling will lead to economic downfall. Part of the downfall to legalizing gambling is taking away from the beauty and culture of the islands by bringing distractions and destruction. To destruct the culture is to shatter morality by exposing people to consequences of gambling addiction. As the saying goes, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Have you ever thought that maybe there is a reason why people like to leave what happens in Las Vegas behind? Works Cited Niesse, Mark. The Philadelphia Inquirer. Associated Press Gambling Causes Economic Decline. New Mexico Coalition Against Legalized Gambling â€Å"crime rates†. . â€Å"gambling addiction†. . â€Å"tourism†.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Disparity and Discrimination

Criminal Justice System has long been established in order to guide all law enforcers and legal officers in the implementation of laws and order in achieving justice. The law provides for strict prohibition of any signs of unfairness. However, the system is faced with issues of disparity and discrimination that continues to cast doubt as to the implementation of the law. Disparity refers to the â€Å"idea that individuals who commit the same or similar offenses receive different punishment† (Justice Works, 2008).Discrimination, on the other hand, refers to the â€Å"act of singling out a certain individual or group fro unfair treatment based on race, class, gender, or status† (Calderon). In criminal justice system, both disparity and discrimination are illegal. While disparity may not be intentional it is always unacceptable in the system. Discrimination, on the other hand, is always done intentionally.In addition, disparity is concern with the differences in outcome wh ile discrimination deals with equal treatment (Gelsthorpe and Padfield, 2003, p. 4). In criminal justice, disparity has been apparent in the juvenile proceedings. According to research, more juvenile minorities have been detained in public secure facilities while whites were housed in private secure facilities (Snyder and Sickmund, 1995). In addition, discrimination is also prevalent because of different treatment afforded to blacks and whites.Disparity usually occurs when more blacks were detained than whites who had committed same crime. Discrimination, on the other hand, occurs when detention of black was based on his race. In avoiding disparity, it is necessary that the legal factors such as seriousness of the crime and criminal history should be considered in the decision making (Calderon). Discrimination may also be avoided by implementing the law equally. References Calderon, M. (04 September 2006). AnairHoads. Org. Disparity and Discrimination. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from Gelsthorpe, L. and Padfield, N. (2003). Exercising Discretion: Decision Making in the Criminal Justice System and Beyond. Willan Publishing. Justice Works. (2008). Analysis of Racism in the Criminal Justice System. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from Snyder, H. N., and Sickmund, M. (1995). Juvenile Offenders and Victims: A National Report. Washington, D.C.: DIANE Publishing.

Organizational Behavior Essay

Organizational Behavior Instructor: Rachana Misraraj December 10, 2012 Organizational Behavior Analysis Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. â€Å"Organizational behavior is a misnomer. It is not the study of how organizations behave, but rather the study of individual behavior in an organizational setting. This includes the study of how individuals behave alone, as well as how individuals behave in groups(Werthiem, 2004). † The purpose of organizational behavior is to gain a greater understanding of those factors that influence individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting so that individuals and the groups and organizations to which they belong may become more efficient and effective. The field also includes the analysis of organizational factors that may have an influence upon individual and group behavior. Much of organizational behavior research is ultimately aimed at providing human resource management professionals with the information and tools they need to select, train, and retain employees in a fashion that yields maximum benefit for the individual employee as well as for the organization. The purpose of the paper below is to analyze the organizational behavior of my current or former employer (current: Street, Water, and Sewer Department for my town), by describing how each of the components listed below influences the behavior of the organization in a negative or positive manner, and they include, the Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ); Modes of communication (Describe the dominant communication form used, e. g. written or verbal); Nature of authority (recognized social rank); Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e. g. Intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance? ); Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence); and How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces new paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices? ). Grasping a complex and knowledgeable understanding on why, when, where and how, organizational behavior functions and operates, can provide great tools and skills to an individual or organization to better manage behavior and productivity within a company. I currently work for as a laborer for the Water/Sewer department for my county/town. As a member of the STREET department which is responsible for the maintenance and repair of City roads and right-of-ways; maintenance and repair of drainage located on City property; installation and maintenance of signs and roadway markings; and removal of snow and ice. The Employee’s operates, maintains and repairs various machinery, tools, and equipment. As for the water department, this position is responsible for maintenance and repair of City’s WATERLINE system. Installs any and all new additions to the existing distribution system as well as performs necessary maintenance and or repairs to any part of the water distribution system. Performs miscellaneous duties such as operating and repairing equipment, general clean up, concrete finishing, painting, etc. Uses various hand tools, power tools, heavy equipment and machinery. As a member of the WASTEWATER(Sewer)Department which is responsible for maintenance and repair of the City’s sewer line system. Employee performs necessary maintenance, repairs, and/or replacement of sewer system components. Employee uses various hand tools, power tools, heavy equipment, trucks, and machinery. Employee performs miscellaneous duties such as operating and repairing equipment, general clean up, concrete finishing, painting, etc. Good communications skills are required as this position frequently deals directly with the public. The primary hours of this position are Monday through Friday during the day; however, extended shifts and overtime on weekends, evenings, and holidays may be required. Therefore organizational behavior skills are a must. Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ) Culture can be defined as the cultivated behavior that is socially transmitted. It involves the accumulation of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, religion, relations, concepts of the universe, values, meanings, roles, notions of time, relations, material possessions and objects acquired and a way of life of a group of people throughout the generations. When it comes to the type of culture on my job I would have to describe it as a pluralism type of culture. This refers to the type of culture whereby smaller groups of people within a large society tend to maintain their unique culture identities and their values, behaviors and identities are well accepted by the wider society or culture. The minor groups of people participate fully within the dominant society while still maintaining their cultural differences. It involves coexistent of different cultures in a location without the domineering of one particular culture. The human differences that exist are accepted by the majority and hence it eliminates discrimination in the form of racialism or sexism. It can also be refereed to as multiculturalism (Henry, 2011). † Within the three departments that I participate and work in, there are 5 different nationalities of workers who coincide within the organization, and they include African American, Mexican, Caucasian, Latino, and American Indian. Each and every one of these individuals, have their own way of living, eating, etc.. But when everyone clocks in in the morning, we are all one cohesive group, who knows that the main goal is to come to work, be safe, respect your fellow co-worker, get the job done in a professional manner, and most importantly be in the best interest of the tax payers and the town in general, while at the same time excepting who each individual is a person, where they come from, and their cultural differences. This influences the company in a positive manner because, it incorporates good behavior on the job, respect for the job, positive progress for the people participating at the job, and goal completion. Modes of communication (Describe the dominant communication form used, e. g. written or verbal) â€Å"Communication consists of transmitting, receiving, and processing information. In organizations, communications flow between individuals, between levels in the organizational hierarchy, between departments, and between the company and outside publics. Effective communication has often been linked to interpersonal and company success (Baak, 2012). † Communication is of high importance on any job, especially the one that I work for, due to the risks that are associated with the work and projects that we take on. Even though we may use written communication from time to time, describing what our daily goals and tasks are, verbal communication is the dominant mode of communication throughout the organization. Whether it be verbal or non verbal, both revolve around the importance of everyone, working in sync with one another and most importantly working safely around your fellow co-worker. One example is, when we are replacing larger water lines (12 inches in diameter) within a trench, which may be at a depth of 2ft to 14ft. Therefore, when a worker is in the trench digging around and locating the pipe, there must to be a competent person at the top of the trench looking for cracks or imperfections in the walls, where a potential cave in could happen, injuring or killing the person in the hole. So, verbal communication is regularly used when there is no machinery running, and you have to alarm the workers of a dangerous situation. And non-verbal communication is used, when a gas powered saw is in operation to cut a pipe, in which, the worker cannot hear you verbally, thus non verbal actions and communication are used to alarm the worker of potential danger and they are pulled out of the trench before anything catastrophic occurs. On that note, this influences the company on a postive level, because, both verbal and non-verbal communication is the dominant and vital mode of communication, that provides protection for a safe work environment. Nature of authority (recognized social rank) The nature of authority is also very important on my job because, each individual respects the fact that one should not go over the next persons head of authority, or having curiosity about a co-workers way of life without discussing it with them first. Because, there are individuals on the job who have been there 20 years, 10 years, 5 years, etc, therefore when you join a team or a group of people, you become part of that organizations social system, and you must adjust and relate to that world of work. â€Å"The variables in an organizational system operate in a working balance called social equilibrium. Individuals make a psychological contract that defines their personal relationship with the system. â€Å"When they contribute to the organization’s success, we call their behavior functional. The broad environment that people live in is their social culture, and a major change in it can lead to cultural shock. People need to accept and appreciate the value that cultural differences can contribute to the success of an organization (www. angel fire. com). † â€Å"Other important cultural factors include the work ethic and corporate attitudes toward social responsibility. Role is the pattern of action expected of a person in activities involving others. Related ideas are role perceptions mentors, role conflict, and role ambiguity. Status is the social rank of a person in a group, and it leads to status systems and possibly status anxiety. Organizational cultures reflect the assumptions and values that guide a firm. They are intangible but powerful influences on employee behavior. Participants learn about their organization’s culture through the process of socialization and influence it through individualization (www. angel fire. com). On that note, the nature of authority can be both positive and negative, because, from a negative standpoint it can be used for growth in power in domination. But from a positive standpoint, it can be sued for uplifting other coworkers, by improvising their skills, capabilities and more importantly, their motivational drive on the job. Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e. g. Intrins ic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance? ) Due to the constant and unpredictable adjustments that my organization goes through, behavior can change in a instant, with each and every individual on the job. Therefore, motivational techniques are a concurrent thing, on a day to day basis. â€Å"There is no doubt that motivation is the driving force by which humans achieve their goals. Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the actions required to achieve a goal, without relying on external rewards or pressures (Amin, 2011). † In my organization the motivational driving force is intrinsic, because pride is everything to a man more than anything, therefore everyone on the job feels a sense of obligation to achieve the goals presented to them to their best ability. Productivity and performance stays at an all time high and positive level, thus, whatever daily goal is presented to us, is handled with confidence and integrity. Our motivation consist of reminding ourselves that what we do, is what we enjoy to do, what we do is appreciated by the tax payers & family and most importantly we enjoy knowing that our skills and capabilities are worth the time and effort that we put forth to learn and achieve the skills and tools to complete present and future organizational objectives. Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence) Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. And it consists of four branches that include perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions (Cher ry, 2012). † Based on the high demands of my job, my co-workers and myself included, may at times have high emotions about whether something on the job is not going right, and show some form of frustration without even knowing it sometimes. Therefore my our organization constantly issues EQ (emotional intelligence ), reminder courses, that helps the crews keep a stable mind set when working in dangerous areas, and if something goes wrong, we use the EQ tools to control and manage our emotions for the sake/safety of our well being the others that are around. EQ classes have been very positive for the organization over the past 5 years, and every since the integration there have been no altercations, accidents, or incidents on the job at all. A 100% success rate. How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces new paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices? ) â€Å"Traditional brick and mortar businesses may become a thing of the past. Today’s modern workplace has embraced the virtual environment. The ultimate goal of the virtual organization is to provide innovative, high-quality products or services instantaneously in response to customer demands (Hamilton, 2012). On that note, my organization has embraced the components of a virtual organization on a very positive and useful level. For example, in the Water/sewer department, we are responsible for the distribution of bills/and cut-off notices for the water use throughout the city. For decades, this task was done by hand; by hand I mean driving to each and every house in the city, knocking on the door, and handing the customer their water/sewer bill for that month. Ever since the company embraced the compo nents of a virtual organization, these tasks are now obsolete. Now we contact the customers, through email, text messaging, and voicemails. When the customer has a question about their bill, they are able to contact the office and have a videoconference with the workers in the water/sewer department, to discuss whatever problem they are having with their water/sewer bill, or their water/sewer in general. My organization has also embrace the concept of a virtual organization in the street department. When there is a down power line, streetlight, street sign, blocked up drain pipes, etc. my organization has integrated a beacon system that alerts us when any of these incidents have occurred and in what area. All we have to do is acknowledge the beacon alert, log on to our computers, locate the problem, and proceed to fix the issue at hand. Integrating the components of a virtual organization has been immensely helpful and positive to our over all daily tasks and duties. In conclusion, Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledg e about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. The purpose of organizational behavior is to gain a greater understanding of those factors that influence individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting so that individuals and the groups and organizations to which they belong may become more efficient and effective. Culture can be defined as the cultivated behavior that is socially transmitted. It involves the accumulation of knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, experiences, religion, relations, concepts of the universe, values, meanings, roles, notions of time, relations, material possessions and objects acquired and a way of life of a group of people throughout the generations. When it comes to the type of culture on my job I would have to describe it as a pluralism type of culture. Communication consists of transmitting, receiving, and processing information. In organizations, communications flow between individuals, between levels in the organizational hierarchy, between departments, and between the company and outside publics. Effective communication has often been linked to interpersonal and company success. The nature of authority is also very important on my job because, each individual respects the fact hat one should not go over the next persons head of authority, or having curiosity about a co-workers way of life without discussing it with them first. Due to the constant and unpredictable adjustments that my organization goes through, behavior can change in a instant, with each and every individual on the job. Therefore, motivational techniques are a concurrent thing, on a day to day basis. Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perce ive, control and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it is an inborn characteristic. And it consists of four branches that include perceiving emotions, reasoning with emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. Traditional brick and mortar businesses may become a thing of the past. Today’s modern workplace has embraced the virtual environment. The ultimate goal of the virtual organization is to provide innovative, high-quality products or services instantaneously in response to customer demands. All in all the purpose of the paper above, was to analyze the organizational behavior of my current or former employer (current: Street, Water, and Sewer Department for my town), by describing how each of the components listed below influences the behavior of the organization in a negative or positive manner, and they include, the Type of culture (Pluralism, Dualism or Salad bowl? ); Modes of communication (Describe the dominant communication form used, e. g. written or verbal); Nature of authority (recognized social rank); Motivational techniques (Describe the motivational driving forces e. . Intrinsic or extrinsic used to influence productivity and performance? ); Areas of EQ incorporated (Describe how the organization embraces the theory of emotional intelligence); and How are the components of a virtual organization embraced? (Explain how the organization embraces new paradigms such as teleworking and virtual offices? ). Grasping a complex and knowledgeable understanding on why, when, where and how, organizational behavior functions and operates, can provide great tools and skills to an individual or organization to better manage behavior and productivity within a company. References Amin,. (July 21, 2011). Motivate your team intrinsically or extrinsically? Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http://blog. 7geese. com/2011/07/21/intrinsic-vs-extrinsic-motivation/ Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc Cherry, K. (2012). What Is Emotional Intelligence? Definitions, History, and Measures of Emotional Intelligence. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http://psychology. about. com/od/personalitydevelopment/a/emotionalintell. htm Hamilton, D. Dr. (April 23, 2012). Today’s Organizations Embracing Virtual Business. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http://drdianehamilton. wordpress. com/2012/04/23/todays-organizations-embracing-virtual-business/ Henry,. (April 4, 2004). Culture Definitions and Types. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http://language. ezinemark. com/culture-definitions-and-types-17b25a011fd. html Wertheim, E. G. (February 22, 2004). Historical Background of Organizational Behavior. Retrieved on December 10, 2012 from http://ehcweb. ehc. edu/faculty/ljcumbo/downfiles/historyofOB. pdf http://www. angelfire. com/blues/cannonsessays/org_behavior/ORGANIZATIONAL_BEHAV